I'm still in training for my first 1/2 marathon and it's not going well. I have found that running 7 miles is what I consider the threshold of a fun run. I'll enjoy an 8 mile run as a challenge. A 9 mile run I might need encouragement. But a ten mile run? A ten mile run is mentally miserable.
I can't seem to find any enjoyment in ten miles (or even 9 really). It's exhausting before it begins. There is so much pre-planning involved: fueling options, water options, proper dress, right music, podcast or audiobook to listen to, etc. ).
The smallest irritation becomes monumental problems when you're running ten miles. Today's problems were ear buds that refused to stay in my ears and an adverse reaction to my fueling choice. That's the reason for the part 1 and part 2 of my run. I had a 1/2 mile walking break to recover from my fuel reaction.
I have more training miles to go and one more 1/2 marathon in the works. I'm not sure what my lesson is in all this misery. I'm not a quitter, so the misery will continue for a few more weeks and then I can be happy running my 7 miles again (until training ramps up again).
Whatever the lesson is, I commit to finishing this miserable training so I can cross the finish line of my 1/2 with a smile on face.