Wednesday, April 8, 2015


It has been forever since I've run. With the time change and work I just haven't hit the road. Also, I just lost some of that running spark. It was all work and no joy.

I have been cross-training and it has been a fun challenge to work out muscles that haven't been worked out for a long, long time. I ran twice that I can remember in the last 2 months and they were just ok, they were nothing memorable, they got the job done. And while I always feel good after a run, something was still missing. 

I knew I had to more run and soon. My husband, other family, and I are running a race in May. I was nervous I wouldn't be ready. I logically knew about muscle memory, but I wanted the "fun" and "joy" memory to return. That's what's been missing and I was not sure if it would come back.

The joy finally came back. I got in two runs, both were manageable miles, both were with a running friend, and both had beautiful scenery. Both were filled with joy. 

I've said before that sometime when I've had a really good run, I can't stop talking about it. I knew it was an awesome run because I was back to talking my husband's ear off. And because of that non-stop talking feeling I now know I'm ready for my upcoming race. Finally.