Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 2: Metaphor

I suppose if running is a metaphor for life I should say that day 2 of my streak was uphill both ways in the rain and let you infer the kind of run it was. 

But you'd be wrong. 
The weather was cool and crisp. I have been wanting to run in rain for so long and it has always alluded me. Today, cool drops fell on me and I loved every minute of it. 

Yes, the uphills suck.  If I go back to the metaphor, uphills in life suck too. But during this run I was prepared, I knew they were there and I just put my head down and ran them as fast as I could. 

And even though the run ended on an uphill, I was charging it and I felt great. 

I guess running is a metaphor for life and some uphills and rain do tear you down. But sometimes they make you stronger too. 

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