Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 35: The Top 6 Things I Learned While Streaking

So today was the official last run of my streak. I don't think you can do something for 35 straight days without learning a little bit about yourself and life. During this last run of my streak, after running 95.81 miles, I thought of the top 6 things I've learned. 

6. Running is the best anti-depressant or therapy I've ever known. I always feel better, about myself and life. I've run angry. I've run happy. I've run sad. I've run tired. But running handles it all, it gives my brain a chance to process all the junk. In the end, life is just a little better when I run. 

5. I can fit a lot more exercise than I thought possible into my life. Before the streak, I ran three times a week. I thought that was all my busy schedule could handle. However, I learned I can fit a lot more exercise into my life. Really, I can fit exercise everyday into my life, even if it is just ten minutes. 

4. When it gets too hard, slow down. There are some runs that are hard. Either I'm tired or the terrain is difficult, or the mileage is long. I have found that it is easier to just slow down and keep running instead of stopping. If I stop, that just means I'm walking back to the car, which becomes slow and tedious and often more difficult than if I just slowed down. This is true in my life as well. When it gets hard and stressful, I need to just slow down (and probably go for a run -see #6). 

3. Know when you can work harder. When running, I've learned to know when I can push more. Today I was tired, but for a quarter mile, I pushed and ran faster than my normal pace. As I reread old blog posts, I saw a few days when I was tired, but ran farther than I thought I could. While in some cases, it might be advantageous to slow down, often, I have more to give. I've always known I'm a pretty strong person, but this run confirmed I'm a hard worker and dedicated goal setter as well. 

2. Running is solitary, but requires a community. When I run, it's all up to me. Good or bad, the run is powered by my legs and my will-power. But as I ran this streak and wrote about it, I was amazed by all the support I got. I was encouraged to keep at it every time someone I didn't know surprised me by telling me they read my blog. Every "like" on Facebook was encouragement. Every comment on the blog was reason to keep going. Every face to face encouragement made me feel better about doing this crazy thing. Everyone who ran with me, carried me with their support. I did this alone, but I did this with all of you too. 

1. I learned I am an athlete. I never have thought this about myself. I've never committed to long term exercise. I've exercised in the past, weights for a while, yoga classes I loved, but I've never transformed myself so completely, in mind and body, as I did during this streak. I will never win any races and I will never be on the cover of "Runner's World" but in my mind, I am a runner. I hope to always be a runner. 

I am not done. I already have plans to run tomorrow. I don't know how long I'll go. Since I'm at day 35 I might try to get to day 50 (just 15more days). But I'm switching blogging format to once a week and I'll share my favorite run for the week. 

Thank you to everyone who read my thoughts. I appreciate you all. And as someone shouted at me on my run today, "Happy 14!!" 


  1. I love this! Running isn't my thing (I like circuit training), but all of this just rings so true. I especially love your observation that you learned you can fit more of what you love into life than you thought you could. So true!

    1. Thank you. I was happily surprised by that too. Plus I thought it'd take time away from my family but they even ran with me few times and those moments were awesome. Thanks for reading.

  2. What an amazing post! You totally increased my running itch! I haven't run in 18 months due to a hip injury and surgery, but I'm hoping that my surgeon will release me to start running very soon! I found your blog through Elizabeth Esther's Saturday Evening Blog Post linkup - and I am so glad that I did! :) Can't wait to read more! :) Wishing you well as you continue your streak!

  3. Thank you so much for reading. I'm glad you found me. Please keep me informed on your running journey too. I love talking running. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
