Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The blahs

I haven't felt like running lately. I lay in bed and find a million reasons not to run. I cannot find a worthy reason to lace up my shoes. I think of all the runs I should do and I don't do them. It's been over a full week since I've run. I even tried joining a running group, and although that run felt great, it wasn't enough to spark any kind of motivation within me. 

This is bad. Not because not exercising is bad for your health (although it is) but because I am supposed to be training for a 1/2 marathon. It's hard to build up mileage when I can't even leave the house. It hard to improve and meet goals when I'm not even willing to try. 

Yesterday, I was stressed.  Normally I'd run to get rid of that stressed energy coursing through my body, but like I said, I haven't been able to get my running shoes on my feet. I just sat in that bad energy instead of running through it. 

This morning my husband asked if I was running. I hemmed and hawed and said that I should, but felt nothing about getting up and actually doing it. He said I had to, that it was time and that I needed it. He said to go small and just do 5 miles. He said I always feel better after a run and this run would make me feel better too. 

acquiesced. I strapped on those shoes and headed out for five miles. For not running in a week, I felt fine. I quickly decided to run my six mile course, not the five. I thought through all my thoughts and found no answers. But I felt better. I prayed for what's on my mind and found no answers, but I felt better. I solved nothing, but I felt better. 

And as I headed home, I found the motivation to add one more mile. Seven miles completed by someone who couldn't even tie up the laces yesterday. And I remembered that my husband is usually right. Running does always make me better, I just have to be willing to lace up those shoes. 

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