Sunday, October 5, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things

In case I didn't mention, I'm not loving this 1/2 marathon training. I'm not finding joy in the journey. I'm not excited to get up and face the challenge. I don't feel like it's making me into a different person. But today, as I finished my training, my final long run before the race, I I wanted to make sure I actually noticed some good things on my run. Here are my favorites, in no particular order:

1. Egrets and ducks playing in the water
2. Runners that smile as wave as they pass
3. Familiar road markers and signs
4. A pile of foam taller than me 
5. The spot where the riverbed meets the ocean and lush trees and plants show up
7. A jumping fish that jumped 5 times in a row
8. The look on the cop's face when I told him how far I'd gone
9. My hand touching Main Street at the end
10. My husband's truck in the parking lot waiting to give me a ride home

Even in the bad, there is good. I know this, it's true in life and it's true on a run. So I'll remember that and keep am eye out for amazing things as I run my first 1/2 marathon next weekend. Wish me luck. 

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