I recently read an article in Runner's World that said you should have a mantra when you run. I can't remember when or where I heard this line but it's been my mantra since I heard it: The first mile is a liar.
I've since modified it to become personalized: this mile is a liar because while the first mile often lies, I've had many other miles lie to me as well.
I took a five week forced/laziness hiatus from running. When I tied my shoes back on, boy did that first mile tell a whopper of a lie right to my running ego. It felt so good to be out on the road that while I was planning on only going three miles, I decided to go five instead. I hate being lied to, and at mile three I felt the sting of betrayal. Unfortunately, I was still two miles from home and had to get back. I hung my head in shame (not really) and walked/ran the last two miles home.
I've had other first miles lie to me by telling me how bad a run will be. The first mile acts as a fortune teller, and is often just as accurate. I've felt so horrible in the first mile that I've considered abandoning a run, when in reality, once that lying mile was over, I was able to finish 8 or 9 miles.
But here is the thing, it's not always the first mile that is the liar, any mile can lie. And here is when my mantra kicks in. I have to repeatedly tell myself this mile is a liar. And I have to say it again and again until I've run right over that lying mile.
On my last six mile run, I thought a lot about this mantra, and even used it a little. But what I really was thinking about was how the same mile often lies to me in life too. I've been in many situations that were just a lying mile.
Whether I'm arguing with my husband, struggling with my kids, having a hard day on the job, or just frustrated by life, they are all just "lying miles" because it doesn't last and I'm always stronger than I think I am to get through the situation.
While I've learned a lot about myself since becoming a runner, this was one time, through one mantra, that I learned a little more about life: this mile (in life) is a liar. So, whether it is lying by overinflating my ego or lying by making me think I can't handle something when I can, as with running, I'll run over that "lying mile"!