However, this week we were preparing for Thanksgiving and I just didn't have the time to complete that 9 mile run, so I created a series of descending runs (6 miles, 5 miles, 4 miles, and finally 3 miles) for a total of 18 miles per week.
This descending series was so much fun:
* Okay, so the 6 miler was just a normal run, but 6 miles is one of my favorite distances.
* The five miler Mike dropped me off and I ran home so I got to run through a different part of town and listen to the new album of my favorite band. It's the simple things when running.
* The 4 miler ended up being all uphill, no kidding. I planned on one huge, major uphill, knowing I could recover on the downhill. Then I anticipated the rest of the run would be flat. However, I took a wrong turn and ended up in a park that was a series of 8 switchbacks, which you guessed it, were all uphill! After pausing to take photos of the gorgeous view I headed back down the switchbacks. Now I could have run flat road home but I figured I'd done so many hills already, what was one last hill? So I turned to run back up and down that original huge, massive hill one more time. It was so amazing and powerful to run all those hills. I kept hearing my aunt's voice that says hills make you faster. I loved every minute of it.
* The last run, the 3 miler was equally as great. It was more uphills, but my aunt was right, I was so much faster (It works like that, right? ;) ). After cresting a huge ridge, I ran a long stretch of a downhill and actually hit a 9 minute mile (which is fast for me). Coming back was a long, long uphill as I ran back to the ridge. However once I made it over the ridge it was downhill again for 1/2 mile and I ran as fast as I could and finished at a 7:52 pace (WOW). What an amazing, fast run!
(View from the ridge)
As I finished my series today, I was so thankful for such a fun and invigorating set of runs. I was thankful for the hills and the power and strength to conquer each one. I was thankful for legs that could carry me faster than I thought possible. And I was thankful for a family that supports me while I'm out doing all this running.