Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 34: Streaker's Eve

I needed a rest day today, so that meant a nice slow run. I asked my normal recovery run coaches (my kids) to run with my, but they all declined. I think everyone was feeling the same way I was, that running just didn't sound like fun at the moment. But unlike my kids, who went to watch TV, I got out there and did my mile. I just made my beautiful dog run with me. 

(Old pic, but she's so cute)

This morning, my friend who did an exercise streak asked me if I was going to continue after my last run tomorrow. I've been thinking about this for almost the whole streaking  period and have yet to come up with a satisfying answer. 

This was the question I pondered on my mile today. If I could keep this streak going, even just for one year, that would be a really unique accomplishment to say I've done. But the thought of running, every single day- wow that is overwhelming. 

I talked a lot to my husband about this. He at times has said how cool he thought it'd be, but has also mentioned every time in the near future when it might be difficult. 

His biggest suggestion was to just take it month by month. That might work, but I'm thinking more day by day. I know right now I'll keep it going a few days past the official end of the streak, but that is as big as a commitment I can make. 

However, whenever I decide to stop, whether in 3 days or 3 years, I'll feel no shame in ending because I set out a goal for myself, and barring any major world catastrophe, I'll meet that goal tomorrow. That was a great commitment for me and I am so proud to have (almost) accomplished the goal. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 33: Variety Is The Spice

I've run for thirty-three days straight. In case you were wondering, that gets a little boring at times. I've run a lot of the same routes and sometimes it is that monotony that makes it hard to get out the door. The idea that I have to run where I just ran yesterday or the day before is more over-whelming than the idea that I have to tie shoes on my feet again. 

So tonight, I thought I'd try a few new things. First, I ran at night. This is a rare treat for me. Usually, this is the time I have just walked in the door from work or I am cooking or eating dinner. But I wasn't eating dinner tonight (because my husband and I had a late lunch date (thanks mom)) and I cooked dinner for my kids already and it was just staying warm. So I had the time for once to run after the sun had set. 

I've already mentioned it, but I love running at night. The weather is cool, the atmosphere is solitary, and also, just a little on the daring/eerie side. There are parts where it is so dark I really have to watch where I'm going so I don't fall. But I live in a city, so this really means there are just parts where the street lights are dim or shaded by trees. But it doesn't matter, this is the kind of "spice" I like in running. For some reason, running in the dark required greater focus, which is great because it's  like the greater focus takes your mind off the physical discomfort of parts of the run. 

Another new "spice" is the fact I ran to a park a few miles away. My hubby was headed there later, so I was just going to have him pick me up. This is variety because it took me on new paths and new streets. And while I basically knew where I was going, it still required concentration to make sure I took all the right streets and turns. It was also nice to see different parts of my city that I do not frequent. 

Lastly, the run had some variety because it finished on a "track." Now, this isn't a lap track or high school track, but rather a path/track that is the circumference of the aforementioned park. I don't particularly like track running. Now I say this prejudiciously because I've never really had a run on a track before. But it just seems so boring going round and round and round. But tonight, I trudged three and half times around the track. I saw the same people each time. While I didn't love it, it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I think that was because the track was just under a 1/2 a mile so it had some length to it. However, I do not plan on running on a track anytime soon. 

One other thing I did that was unusual, but not really "spicy" was I used both pieces of my running technology. I used my phone GPS because I can pause it at the street lights. I hate that waiting at lights counts against my pace time. But I still used my GPS watch, just to see how it tracked the run. And while it doesn't pause at street lights, once I downloaded it, it gave me my overall time (including street lights -boo) and it gave me my moving time, which incidentally was the same as my phone GPS. That was really good for me to know so that I can continue to rely on my watch more than my phone. 

This run was just what I needed on day 33, new surroundings, new timef day and new challenges- anything to keep this streak interesting, fun and spicy. 

 Watch GPS: notice it kept both avg. pace and moving pace

Phone GPS. One second difference on avg. pace when compared to watch. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 32: Choices

Yesterday, I got some new makeup and face wash at the mall. I usually avoid the mall, but I wanted to try this new product. I also had insomnia last night, woke up at three and never went back to sleep. 

This afternoon, my kids and hubby went to a friend's house and left me with some choices. I could go back to the mall to exchange one of the products I got yesterday, I could take a well-needed nap, or I could get today's mileage done. 
(Is it summer or winter?)

I chose to run because of those three choices it seemed like it would be the best for me in the end. A trip to the mall would just be aggravating. I can barely stand it once in a while, but twice in two days, no thanks. 

I chose to run because while a nap might feel good, some naps are too over-powering and I just end up feeling worse. 

I chose to run because even if I feel horrible while running, I always feel good afterwards. I only needed to do a recovery mile but I also chose to go just a little farther. I find whenever I make a choice to run or a choice to go fast or a choice to go far, I find I always feel better. 

And while I'm still tired and I still have to go to the mall at some point, for today, I made the right choice. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 31: Needed A Pick Me Up

One of the best runs I ever had was running from our local park down to the beach. When I started running, this seemed like an impossible feat. When I started training for my 10 miler, this run seemed like an incredible accomplishment. Depending on which fence you leave the park from, it's roughly 8 miles, give or take a few tenths of a mile. 

When I run 8 miles I need supplies. Runners will tell you the greatest thing about running is that you can just strap on your shoes and hit the road. But when I run over 6 miles, I'm like a pack animal. I have to bring all the comforts from home before I hit the road. 

Luckily, most of that is on my head or around my waist. Water is important, my aunt taught me to use Life Savers to refuel, hat and glasses are a must and lastly, I need a phone with earphone for emergencies and music. 

Today the phone was used for a different reason. Because I was running to a destination, I needed a lift back home. Although, my husband likes to tease me that I should just run home, he was willing to pick me up at the beach today. I called home when I only had three miles left  in the run so he knew when to leave to come get me. 

This run did not carry with it the same excitement it had when I ran it the first time. The first time, I was so amazed and even a little uncertain I could do it at all and this time I had the confidence to know I could. But what made it better was when I hit the beach, I was greeted with my own cheering section. The husband and kids were there shouting at me as I crossed the imaginary finish line. This would have been a good (not great) run on its own, but that last minute, with their support, just made it awesome. It was the literal and figurative pick me up I needed. 

However, the biggest accomplishment and surprise was when I compared this same run from September to this run today. What a huge improvement. It is so wonderful to see actual results and data of my hard work paying off. 



Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 30: In Sickness and In Health

I've always loved surfing. Growing up I had posters in my room, spent summers on the beach watching surfers and even attempted it a few time. I may have caught one wave in my life, but I know why my husband spends so much time in the water. 

I also hate surfing. The water is way too cold, the waves are mostly way too big, and there are way too many known and unknown sea creatures under me. When my husband surfs, I mostly watch from shore. He has asked me to go out a few times and I have tried a few times, but mostly unsuccessfully. 

Today, the roles were reversed. My husband asked to run a mile with me. And while I can appreciate surfing, he can't stand running. He often complains about how horrible it is and is sure to tell me he'd never run. So I was shocked when he said he wanted too. 

We took off and I let him set the pace. Wow, was he fast! He must hate running so bad he was running as fast as he could to be done. It was so fast I asked him to slow down for both our sakes. 

Once we hit a good stride we talked and chatted, mostly about what we'd do to the house if we'd ever fix it up. But the conversation was punctuated with my hubby complaining about how much he hated running. My favorite complaint was 2 minutes and 40 seconds into the run he'd asked if we were halfway done yet. Man, was he sad when I told him not even close. 

When we hit the final home stretch, he took off as fast as he could. And it was fast. I was so proud of him. He did something he hates and truly overcame the challenge. 

I was supposed to run farther today and for sure I would have run faster, but running with my husband was priceless and something I will never forget. We got to do something together to improve our health and had fun too (well at least I did).

I'm going to try to keep this run in mind when he asks me to surf this summer. I'll remember how he did something he hates for me so surely I can do something I have a hard time with for him. That's a part of marriage and I am so thankful to be married to him. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Days 27, 28 and 29: Merry Christmas

On Christmas Eve I only had time for a one miler. Not only did I only have time for one mile, I also had to multi-task on this run. I had to call my mom. 

Now I wish my mom could blog the rest of this portion because I know I sounded ridiculous trying to have a phone conversation and run at the same time. 

When I run with someone, the conversations are usually short, simple sentences. They are not long drawn out conversations, which is what my mom and I were doing. Therefore, she got to listen to me huff and puff. 

While this may seem miserable, it was actually fun. The time flew by and my mile was done before I knew it. 

This was also such a busy day that I ran in pajamas again. Didn't I read my previous post to know what a bad idea this was? Again, they were slipping the whole time so I looked like a fool running and holding my pants up, while huffing and puffing and looking like I was talking to myself (since others wouldn't know I was on the phone).

Luckily, I'm not famous, so there were no paparazzi, just my mom, who loves me even when I look foolish!

What a merry Christmas is was. My kids were up early. They loved all that Santa got them. The living room looked like a wrapping paper construction zone by the time they were done. 

Knowing I had to squeeze in a run somewhere today, I slept in running clothes. It made it easy to strap on my shoes and head out the door. 

Tradition says we have chocolate chip pancakes on Christmas morning, so I had to do a quick run to get back to prepare those. But I also ran for the chips and dips, veggie trays, rice, stir-fry veggies, salad and dessert. Yes I'm positive that one mile took care of all that food (she said sarcastically). But the time with family, celebrating and being close is what it is all about. 

This was a great run and I went quick. I love when I can do a mile fast. That is one of the greatest present I can give myself. 

Today I decided to give my Christmas gift a try. I got a Garmin GPS watch. 

Here's a secret about running though. Whatever you did, or did not do the day before is what you end up running with today. Didn't drink enough water? Good luck running dehydrated tomorrow. Slept well, then have a great run the next day.  As I've previously mentioned, I over-indulged yesterday, so I felt miserable today. And I got to run with all all that misery. 

Strangely though, the first 2.5 miles felt great. I ran, listened to my podcast and I was doing fine. It was strange that I didn't get mileage time and updates in my ear but I had faith my watch was tracking it all. It also meant I didn't over analyze this run as I was running, since I'd have to finish the run to see how well I did. 

The last little bit was not so great. I definitely trudged home. Even my hubby said I didn't look so great. But none of that matter. The streak is alive and well. Miles and days are passing by. And according to my watch, the run wasn't as bad as I felt. I had a good pace for the entire time. 

The last week of this adventure is here. Wish me luck and thanks for the continued support. 

Data from watch:

Data imported from watch into my original tracker. How cool!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 26: But I Don't Want To

After a string of great runs, I hit the wall today. I didn't want to go out, not even for my one mile. Thought about going out first thing in the morning, nope, that didn't happen. Mid-morning, nope. Lunch time rolled about and ... Hubby told me to just get out there. He reminded me it's only a mile. I reminded him I did a mile yesterday, will be doing a mile tomorrow and a mile the following day and that I should really be doing more than a mile today. He reminded me that it's all ok. The point of a streak is one day, one mile at a time. So with that encouragement, I strapped on my shoes and dog and off we went.

After my first 1/2 mile, I got my stride. I left my neighborhood, thereby forcing myself to do more than one mile. As I ran, I wishes everyone I saw a Happy Holidays. You'll be glad to know I got NONE in return. So much for the Christmas spirit. Luckily, I just ran away from those Scrooges and finished my two miles. 

I'm glad I got out there and glad I went longer than one mile. However, the next two days will for sure be one miles each day. And I'll be taking a break from blogging (but not running) to enjoy the time with my family. I'll be back the day after Christmas to catch you up on my two holiday runs and to complete this streak. 

And I shall leave you will the same thought I had while I was running, "Happy Holidays" to you all!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 25: A Future Runner

Today was the first of what I assume will be a series of one milers squeezed into a series of busy day. This morning I invited my youngest (by three minutes) daughter to join me because I just didn't want to go and I really didn't want to be out there suffering by myself. Luckily for me, she said yes. 

This girl set off with fierce determination. She had great form, arms swinging properly, and good pace. She was quick and her breathing sounded strong. I asked if she needed to go quicker or slower and she said it was perfect. 

As we went around our neighborhood, she wasn't talking. And this kid chatters all the time. She entertains the family always. So it was unusual for her to be so quiet. I asked, "So, are you a silent runner?" And she just smiled sweetly and said yes. 

We cheered as we hit the 1/2 mile and kept trudging on at a good pace. I asked if she was feeling ok and she said she was. She looked so good as a runner. 

The last 1/2 mile was fun. We sang Neil Diamond's "America" but changed the word from "We're coming to America" to "We're coming to our home soon." It was a fun way to end this run. We clapped, cheered and hugged our accomplishment. 

While I don't put my dreams on my kids, this kid could make a runner someday. She was fast, had good form and was determined the whole time. I would love to see her join track, but only if she wants too. And while I waited 36 years to become a runner, maybe she will find a spark of a sport she loves, whatever that may be sooner than later. But what I was privileged to witness today was a determined little runner and that was a moment I'll cherish forever. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 24: Only

My mother often asks me how far I run. My favorite is when I answer , "Only six miles," and she responds in her motherly tone, "Only..." just to remind me that six miles is a pretty good chunk of distance. 

Today is the first day of my vacation, so I thought I'd head down to the beach to run. 

It was still dark when I got there, the sun was just rising in the sky. It was cold but I was so happy to be back here. This beach is a huge component in my training. In the summer I was down here at least once a week. It is a place I can run for long distances without stop lights and of course the view is amazing. This beach has seen me struggle through my first 5, 6, and 7 mile runs. This beach was also the course of my 10 mile race. 

This beach and I have a lot of history. This bridge is the two mile marker, meaning I've gone two miles from my car and/or I only have two miles back to my car (yes mom, only two miles). Every tower and parking lot is another mental mile marker. Every step is well-worn and comfortable. 

(Sorry pics are dark. Remember sun just came up)

This beach is a great distraction. There are people everywhere, surfers building fire pits and waxing boards, bikers, crazy runners like me, dogs on the beach and if you're lucky, a dolphin or two in the ocean. There is so much to see, you can easily forget that your body has just run 4-5 miles and still has more to go. 

(Here's the pier in the distance)

Since I haven't been to this magical spot in such a long time, this was a great run. I slowed down to take pictures along the way, and just let myself enjoy the time out there. I probably could have run longer or could have run faster, but instead I ran to enjoy myself and enjoy my sport in a place I love. 

So I ONLY ran 8 miles, but that's not too shabby!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 23: Brrrrrrrrrrrr

I got up before the sun to run today. When there is no sun, it's cold out there. 

I donned my gloves and warm head band, and headed out the door. It was cold enough that it was hard to catch my breath. The cold bit into my arms and legs. 

I run connected to my electronic GPS mapping system. When I'd gone what I knew to be over a mile and still hadn't heard any tracking, I pulled out my phone. Sure enough my tracking system was on pause. When I unpaused it, it proceeded to tell me I'd gone one and a half miles in 4 minutes 30 seconds. Wow. If that was true, then I have a new career in running. 

Running "blind" with no tracking bugs me. I like to know the numbers, how far, how fast, etc. It can be refreshing to run without GPS because it forces you to listen to your body. I knew when I was going fast. I felt when I slowed down.  I listened to when my breathing became more labored. I had to listen to my own strength and body instead of my running app. 

Once the run ended, the cold overtook me again, but in a new way. I noticed I was steaming. 

This photo is my breath after my run. 

This is not a picture of me waving or moving. I was perfectly still. But that is steam pouring off my arm. 

It was so cold, I didn't have to wait long to cool off. I like to think it was so cold that my running app just didn't want to get out of its warm computer bed to run. 

But I'm glad I did. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 22: Rain Rain (Don't) Go Away

It rained at my work today. I love the rain. The smell, the sound, the cool, fresh air. All I could keep saying was I hope it was still raining when I ran later. I don't mind running in the rain. Last I checked I was not made of sugar and I don't think I'm a wicked witch who will melt, although my students or hubby might disagree at times. 

Alas, it was not raining when it came time for my run. However, the air was cool and crisp. The streets were wet and clean. The sky was cloudy and beautiful. 

I had some shin pain after yesterday's run so I didn't want to push it today. But once I got warmed up (see yesterday's post on that topic) I felt so good. There wasn't one part of this run I hated. Not once did I wanted to stop. The pace was good, the company was great, the conversation was fun. I just loved it and wanted to keeping going and going. This run is one of the reasons I run. Many runs I can't remember why I choose this sport or this challenge. This run was NOT one of them. This run was a reason for everyone to strap on a pair of shoes and get out there. Perfection. 

My biggest regret of this run was the path I choose. There wasn't an easy way to extend this run. It was a circular path which meant I'd have to run past my car and start the run again. That wasn't happening. The point of the run was also to take it easy. That's what my body, mind and shin needed for today, regardless of how good I felt. 

The only possible way it would be better is if it was raining. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 21: The Long and The Short of It

Some days I'm a long distance runner. Well, if you consider 6-7-8 miles a long distance. Other days I'm a short distance runner, 1-2 miles only. 

 There are benefits to long distance. Your body gets a chance to warm up, you really test your endurance and you burn mega calories. In long distance, you see so much because of the mileage you cover. You have a chance to really think or enjoy the podcast you listen too. The time is there for you to really get into running. 

Short distance has it's benefits too. For one, you're done in a relatively short amount of minutes. Secondly, you can test your speed, which is always fun. Also, if you go slow, it can be a good recovery run. Lastly, these runs are usually close to home and that is always a nice feeling, a chance to see the neighborhood and wave hi to some neighbors. 

(Today's running partner)

So as I ran my short mile today, I contemplated which run I prefer. I always hate the first mile. For me, that is when everything hurts, my legs are warming up, my lungs are burning, my body protests. So when I do one mile, it's plain torture the whole time. And yes, it's over fast, but I have to concentrate hard to find some reward in feeling that pain. 

(Today's coaches)

If I do a long run, my body has that chance to warm up, but it works hard for a really long period of time. The aches and pains that happen in the first mile fade, but are replaced with tiredness and tightness of muscles as the mileage increases. 

The long and the short of it is, I can't decide. No, in my heart I know I prefer a long run. But what I can appreciate is that with a short mile, I CAN exercise more. If I can learn to appreciate and accept the short mile, that means more fitness days on my calendar. And whether I have some minor warm-up pain with that or not, more days is a good thing.