Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 15: Tired

I was tired today. No, I was exhausted. I felt it everywhere. In my attitude, in my teaching and in my body. I was physically and mentally spent. 

Nevertheless, I'm streaking, so it didn't matter how tired I was because I still had to run. I told my running partner I only had a mile in me. I told her today I had to recover. I told her, today, I was tired. 

She's great and always lets me pick the routes. I picked a flat easy circle around work. 

While I had said "only a mile" I knew in my heart that I could do more and I also knew that it was a little more than a mile. I was just hoping for a slow, recovery run. 

A slow run just doesn't happen. When I run with my friend, we just run fast. Even when I try to slow us down, we just naturally keep running fast. It's good and bad. Good because I'm becoming better, but bad because did I mention I was tired?

So today's run is finished. I'm still tired. And I still have to run tomorrow. But I will run only a mile and I will purposely run slow. I will finish this streak no matter how tired I feel today. 

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