Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 26: But I Don't Want To

After a string of great runs, I hit the wall today. I didn't want to go out, not even for my one mile. Thought about going out first thing in the morning, nope, that didn't happen. Mid-morning, nope. Lunch time rolled about and ... Hubby told me to just get out there. He reminded me it's only a mile. I reminded him I did a mile yesterday, will be doing a mile tomorrow and a mile the following day and that I should really be doing more than a mile today. He reminded me that it's all ok. The point of a streak is one day, one mile at a time. So with that encouragement, I strapped on my shoes and dog and off we went.

After my first 1/2 mile, I got my stride. I left my neighborhood, thereby forcing myself to do more than one mile. As I ran, I wishes everyone I saw a Happy Holidays. You'll be glad to know I got NONE in return. So much for the Christmas spirit. Luckily, I just ran away from those Scrooges and finished my two miles. 

I'm glad I got out there and glad I went longer than one mile. However, the next two days will for sure be one miles each day. And I'll be taking a break from blogging (but not running) to enjoy the time with my family. I'll be back the day after Christmas to catch you up on my two holiday runs and to complete this streak. 

And I shall leave you will the same thought I had while I was running, "Happy Holidays" to you all!


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