Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 10: Just Can't Do It

Today was the first run of my streak I just didn't want to do. I was supposed to do 6-7 miles, but it was cold and rainy. Usually I run my long runs on a river bed, that has many, many people on it, and I just didn't feel comfortable running there alone if no one was out. Our kids were also gone and my hubby had a full day planned for us. This run just seemed too mentally over-whelming after the long, busy week I've had. I couldn't do it. 

My wonderful hubby offered to ride his bike along side me if I went a short distance. He is proud of this streak and wants to encourage me anyway he can. I took him up on his offer and I changed my plan to a neighborhood run. 
The thing I love about my husband is he makes me laugh. He is just fun to be around. The first 1/2 mile he kept calling me Rocky and was trying to "train" me. The next 1/2 mile he chattered on as he usually does and paid me the best compliment by saying "there's no way I could keep up with you." The last 1/2 mile my body and brain just shut down. I was going for 2 miles but just couldn't do it and I headed home. My husband just kept saying I was doing good and high-fived me when I was done. 

While I was disappointed I mentally and physically couldn't do my original plan, my husband was right in telling me the nice part of streaking is it is only a mile. And in the end I could do it. 

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